In the 6th century B.C. As the Northern Zhou dynasty came to an end, a period of internal conflict arose in which officials and administrators sought stability in an ever-changing world. They strived for something that existed beyond religious rules and regulations. Chinese philosophy developed in the context of practical politics and dealt with questions of the good life and morality.
An important text from this period is the "Daodejing", which is considered the most important work of Daoism and is one of the most widely read works of Far Eastern philosophy. The book is credited with authoring Lao Tzu, who developed the theory that the "Dao" (the path) is achieved through "Wu Wei" (not acting). The Dao is the origin of all existence, the root of all visible and invisible things and the unity of opposites. To live in harmony with the Dao, "Wu Wei" is necessary, acting in harmony with nature spontaneously and intuitively, free from desires, intentions or social conventions..
The wise man is characterized by compassion, frugality, renunciation of worldly actions and rejection of violence. The "Daodejing" tells of four forces in the universe: man, earth, heaven and way. Among them, the Way is the most powerful because it follows its own nature, existed before everything else, and is so great that it cannot be known. Although everything came from the Way, he does not strive for power and greatness.
Lao Tzu remains enigmatic to this day and is believed to have written the Daodejing. However, some believe that the book is more of a collection of sayings from various scholars. What is certain, however, is that there was an outstanding figure named Lao Tan, who was born in the state of Chu and later became known as Lao Tzu, or "Old Master." There is evidence that he served in the court of the Zhou dynasty and that Confucius asked him for advice on rites and ceremonies.
Legend has it that with the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, Lao Tzu left the court and traveled to the West in search of solitude. On the way he was recognized by someone who asked him for a record of his knowledge. This is how the incredible “Daodejing” came into being, which enriches us with its wisdom to this day.